Magazine for boating professionals
Equipment manufacturers
Nautical sector
Special edition
Nautical sector
Magazine of the nautical sector - page 20
Nautical sector
Public authorities
Harbour and marina
Maritime & Legal Regulations
Boat show
Jolly Roger, the ultra-compact magnetic cabin lamp
Nautic 2016, Conference on innovation and yachting
A guide for the new European Piacenza Directive
METS announces record attendance.
The Vendée Globe announces record media coverage.
Air Winch, the lightweight winch awarded at METS
Kim Andersen, renewal at the head of world sailing
METS 2016, An ever-growing trade fair
Michel Desjoyeaux:"Archimedes sailing boats still have a bright future in cruising. "
The Mille Sabords, one third of the boats sold at the Show
Safran relies on youtubers for its Vendée Globe communication
La Mie Caline relies on the Vendée Globe for tasty communication
The Mille Sabords, a dynamic second hand boat show
Vendée Globe, le Souffle du Nord, a patronage in solidarity.
World Sailing Chair, Paul Henderson, the old sage
Kim Andersen, President of World Sailing, focuses on young people
World Sailing, Carlo Croce, candidate for re-election
Why Goïot and Jean Le Cam are embarking on the Vendée Globe
1st very political conference for the Confederation of Boating and Pleasure Boating
The Vendée Globe, a springboard for AFPA training
New rendezvous for the Confédération du Nautisme et de la Plaisance
METS sets foot in the United States
Urgo, new sponsor of the Solitaire du Figaro
Current state and trend of the large yachting market
Auray, 13th port for the Compagnie des Ports du Morbihan
The Grand Pavois is not limited to a trade show in 2017
Alain Pochon :"Le grand Pavois, un salon où l'on signe des ventes" (The great Pavois, a show where sales are signed)
Skipper diplomas, towards equivalences in Europe
Sponsoring, Macif recruits its new skipper Figaro
Ports de plaisance et Handicap, publication of the FFPP guide
Le Havre is developing a business park for boating professionals
Cannes Yachting Festival 2016, Satisfaction at the time of the assessment
2016 nautical season, mixed results
FIN launches NauticLab, a new collaborative tool to prepare the future of boating.
Cannes 2016 Boat & Yacht Show, the novelties
The American Boat and Yacht Council is reviewing its standards.
Register for the DAME, the METSTRADE Innovation Trophy!
Land Rover - BAR Team is committed to sustainable development
Brexit et nautisme, pour la FIN, la collaboration continue...
METSTRADE 2016, successful extension!