Batho gives a second life to boats out of the water

Batho, a 2nd life for used pleasure boats

Port of Sainte-Marine from where the condemned skipper worked

Skipper not licensed on co-navigation sites, 1st conviction

Scarab, Wake Board Boat Made in USA

US ships taxed by the EU in retaliation for US protectionism?

Marine Employment Week 2018

Maritime Employment Week is taking hold along the coast and inland!

In a WordCarole Bourlon of Eurolarge Innovations speaks at Sail Inn Pro Forum

Life of boating: Privilège Marine, Brunswick, Nanni Diesel, Sail Inn Pro ...

Aluminum Pontoon Boat in Miami

Aluminum taxes, Donald Trump worries the US boating industry

The sustainable Mini 650 Loop 650, finalist of the JEC World Innovation Awards

JEC World Innovation Awards: nautical projects

Espace Composites in Action at JEC World 2017

JEC World 2018, the composite in all its forms, from boating to space

In a WordTransport of pleasure boats by Peters & May

Boating life: Lalizas, Day One, Peters & May, LH Finance and the Bénéteau Group

Concession of the maritime public domain

Are professionals informed of the competition between occupations in the public domain?

Le Boat, French manufacturer of river pleasure boats

River boating in France, more than 200 M € of economic spinoffs

InterviewGranville Harbour Redevelopment Project

Expansion of Granville harbour, boating professionals want to be consulted

Emmanuel Labory, new commercial director of SEIMI

Human Resources: They change jobs in boating - 22 February 2018

In a WordAzimuth S7

Boating life: Mercury Marine and Scanstrut, BWA Yachting, Azimut, Dolphin Charger ...

Pro&Mer to be held at Pier 9 in Lanester on 15 March 2018

Pro&Mer exhibition, a recruitment and training area for seafaring professions

The founders of SwaveS, winner of the Start-up & Tourisme Nautique award

Boating tourism start-up competition, winners announced

In a WordSailboat Discovery 58

Sailing life : Phantom International, World Sailing, Discovery Yachts ...

Marina Baie des Anges will host the Marina High Tech show

Marina High Tech, a new boat technology exhibition in the Mediterranean

In a WordSunsail sailing yacht charter - The Moorings

Boating life: Nanni Diesel, Mille Sabords, Port of Cassis, Pantaenius...

Bénéteau Foundation 2018 competition: Designing an innovative motor catamaran

InterviewCyril Sancereau

Bénéteau Foundation:"We are looking for strong concepts!"

Matthieu Souben joins All Purpose

Human Resources: They are changing jobs in the boating industry - February 2018

The multihull market, flagship of the nautical industry

Visitors wait for the Boot Düsseldorf doors to open

The Düsseldorf Boot, the world's largest boat show?

Entering Concarneau

Skipper without licence on internet, 1st trial in Quimper

In a WordWax Guy Cotten

Boating life: The Port of Cherbourg, Sunseeker, Red Bull, Guy Cotten...


CAPITEN, a European project to anticipate the future of Atlantic boating

The port of Plymouth in the United Kingdom

British boating growth despite Brexit

Antifouling paint passage

3 regulations that change in yachting as of January 1, 2018

Port Olimpic of Barcelona

Spanish boating, very positive 2017 figures

Ilet Vieux-Fort to Marie-Galante

Happy holidays and see you in January!

Cannes Yachting Festival

Jacqueline Bourey reacts to the controversy over the Cannes Yachting Festival

Armorique Diffusion, the Bénéteau dealer of Pluneret

What future for the boat dealer model?

Zodiac on Seair foil

Foils, connected boats... are the innovations similar to the Nautic?

Nautic 2017

Nautic 2017, the first hot review of the Paris boat show

In a WordAccastillage Diffusion recruits

Boating industry on the move - November 29, 2017

BPHU under deconstruction

Progress on boat deconstruction financing

Old Port of Marseille

Marseilles yacht clubs worried about the future

The Cité de la Voile Eric Tabarly will host the 2018 Yacht Racing Forum

Yacht Racing Forum, Brittany will host the Davos de la voile 2018


Creation of an interdepartmental framework for boating and boating

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