In a Word

Boating: Bertram, Les Glénans, BoatOn, Zparq, Solidsail, Ports de plaisance...

In a Word

Nautical life: Nimbus Group, SMM Composites, Molabo, IMM, BatO Bilan...

In a Word

Nautical life : Gunboat, Fibre Mechanics, Rio Yachts, Mistral, Poralu, SMM, Ocea...

AeolDrive and Solid Sail : The nautical sector is embarking on the giant rigging

InterviewJean-Claude Schoepf, Managing Director of SMM Technologies and the Carboman Group

"SMM Technologies' objective is autonomy."

A2V mold made by SMM Technologies

SMM Technologies: know-how in moulds for the nautical industry

In a WordSuzuki DF 350A outboard engine

Boating industry on the move - 21 September 2017