Skaw Sailing: construction of the first model in the series begins at Shoreteam


Grand Large Yachting: "The ocean cruising industry is being watched by investors"

Shoreteam: The infusion specialist combines manufacturing and consulting

XO Classic in finish at GL Composites

Grand Largue Composites: a niche in high-end yachting

InterviewVincent Lebailly, Vice-President of Normandie Maritime in charge of yachting

Vincent Lebailly: "In Normandy, 5 km from the coast, we forget the sea! "

InterviewBi-Loup 109 in navigation

Wrighton Bi-Loup sailboats:"We should have attacked export directly."

Sailboat Bi-Loup 90

Wrighton, what future for Bi-Loup yachts?

Bi-loup, renewal in action