Simulation of door passage to windward on Tactical Sailing

Tactical Sailing: A software to learn and teach regatta sailing

The Nauticoncept nautical maintenance application

Nauticoncept, an app for nautical maintenance professionals

Crew Watcher

Crew Watcher, another award-winning anti-man overboard application from DAME!

Suzuki, a free application to make the link between the outboard and after-sales service

Quicksilver Boat Configurator

Quicksilver, a boat configurator with prices

The SailGrib mobile routing application

SailGrib, the mobile routing application joins French Tech

RCG West application

RCG Ouest, an app to replace the owner's manual

Navily application

Navily, the application opens to Spanish and Italian ports

Vibration Isolator Pro, the mobile application for choosing the right engine mounts.

Mercury Vesselview Application

Mercury launches the Vesselview mobile engine monitoring application