Scarab, Wake Board Boat Made in USA

US ships taxed by the EU in retaliation for US protectionism?

In a WordCarole Bourlon of Eurolarge Innovations speaks at Sail Inn Pro Forum

Life of boating: Privilège Marine, Brunswick, Nanni Diesel, Sail Inn Pro ...

Mercury launches into the world of V6 outboards

Yamaha Outboard Engine

Yamaha, 2017 a record year

Bénéteau Group, Jeanneau and Freedom Boat Club executives celebrate their agreement

Jeanneau and Freedom Boat Club, a win-win partnership

Bénéteau Group construction site

The Bénéteau Group optimistic for the 2017-2018 nautical season

Brunswick Group Boat

New Brunswick: Almost 100 patents obtained in 2017

An employment service for the boating world

In a WordFrench President for Yamaha Motor Europe

The boating industry is on the move - 04 January 2018

Star Sea Ray L550

Sea Ray for sale, Brunswick refocuses its boat activity on the outboard

Nautic 2017

Nautic 2017, the first hot review of the Paris boat show

Servaux Nautisme wintering shed

Servaux Nautisme invests heavily in its port and wintering activities

Bénéteau Headquarters

Bénéteau Group, an annual result doubled in 2017

Boats produced by Brunswick Group

New Brunswick, 3rd quarter profits down, driven down by big boats

Bjorn Ingemanson, CEO of Volvo Penta

Volvo Penta does not intend to stop at 1000 CV

In a WordSuzuki DF 350A outboard engine

Boating industry on the move - 21 September 2017

In a WordSuperyacht of the San Lorenzo shipyard

The boating industry is on the move - 08 September 2017

New Brunswick makes a Boston Whaler 250 Outrage available to MIT for its research on the autonomous boat

New Brunswick and MIT, are working on the autonomous boat of the future

Diesel outboard engine Oxe

Patent sharing between Volvo Penta and Oxe diesel outboards

In a WordTorqeedo electric motor

The boating industry is on the move - August 10, 2017

Experts from the American Boat and Yacht Council

ABYC updates its standards for the boating industry

Suzuki, a free application to make the link between the outboard and after-sales service

Volvo Penta takes control of Seven Marine outboard engines

Volvo and Seven Marine, the discreet Swedish engine manufacturer on its outboard strategy

Mercury outboard motor, Brunswick Group brand

New Brunswick, Mercury outboard engines boost results

Mer Agitée creates a catamaran dedicated to the follow-up of nautical events

Bénéteau factory

Wing, electric engine, 2nd make catamaran... Bénéteau announces the colour

The Suzuki DF350A, star of its launch party

Suzuki DF350A, a grand launch

Flyer 5.5 Sundeck by Bénéteau, on sale on Cdiscount

Bénéteau launches into the discount boat on the internet


INSEE provides encouraging figures for the French boating industry

Shipyard Armorique Diffusion

Armorique Diffusion wants to relaunch Bénéteau in La Trinité su Mer

Evinrude E-TEC Outboard

Evinrude, the 2-stroke outboards meet the new European directive

Honda Marine Engine Concept

Honda Marine presents its outboard of the future

Mercury Marine Verado Engines

Mercury Marine, record number of patents in 2016

Tohatsu 5 HP LPG outboard

Tohatsu launches LPG outboard

Ship Covering by ATM Communication

ATM Communication, a specialist in nautical communication

Electro-deposited parts at Mercury Marine

Mercury Marine doubles its electroplating capabilities for its engines

Application of MacGlide antifouling

MacGlide adhesive antifouling creates its network.

Evinrude Engines

BRP, a French marketing director for marine propulsion.

Semi-rigid equipped with Suzuki engines according to AC45 Groupama

The Suzuki Marine and Groupama Team France outboards, between image and technique.

BWA semi-rigid fitted as standard with 2 Evinrude 300 HP outboards

Evinrude wants to equip new boats

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