In a WordTorqeedo electric motor

The boating industry is on the move - August 10, 2017

Launch of the Lagoon Seventy 8 number 1

Launch of the first Lagoon Seventy 8

Antfouling Harsonic, distributed by MC Technologies

MC Technologies, new distributor of Harsonic ultrasonic antifouling products

Industrialization test in virtual reality at Sealver for the new Wave Boat 444

Sealver, virtual reality for boats

T Close de Nodusfactory

Nodusfactory, the textile snap hook goes to conquer Canada

Luca Brancaleon, Bénéteau Sales Director

Bénéteau, Luca Brancaleon takes over commercial management

SeaStar Solutions Engine Control System

SeaStar Solutions acquires Seloc textbook publisher

InterviewGeert Kuijpers, new commercial director of Wauquiez and Latitude 46

Geert Kuijpers:"Wauquiez and Tofinou must have a greater presence in Europe."

Tiwal 3.2 inflatable dinghies in the United States

Tiwal, the inflatable dinghy raises funds to conquer the United States

Raymarine's new graphic identity

Raymarine offers itself a new graphic identity

Ship Covering by ATM Communication

ATM Communication, a specialist in nautical communication

The Lagoon 42 makes its world premiere at Boot Dusseldorf 2016

French boating always more present at the Boot Düsseldorf.

InterviewBenoit Massard Combe, Marketing Director of Vidal Diffusion Marine and Reya

Benoît Massard Combe:"Vidal Diffusion Marine must put the right product in front of each professional. "

Evinrude Engines

BRP, a French marketing director for marine propulsion.

The IMOCA Valley Office

Bureau Vallée and the Vendée Globe"a sticker, we can fund an IMOCA foil."

Rental Boat of the Year Ceremony

Three winners in the Boat Rental of the Year election.

Drape the central part of the Neel 51 before infusion

Neel trimarans makes a record infusion.

Bali 4.0 Catamaran

Bali Catamarans, 100 boats sold in 2 years

BWA semi-rigid fitted as standard with 2 Evinrude 300 HP outboards

Evinrude wants to equip new boats

Evinrude E-Tec G2 150 CV

Evinrude, the choice of the 2-stroke engine

Future Couach 38 meters

Couach, the yard reinvests the yacht market

Winner, a Dutch shipyard that focuses on quality

Winners of the DAME 2015

Register for the DAME, the METSTRADE Innovation Trophy!

World Marina Conference, 2016 reservations open!


Zodiac, launches tests directly by owners for customers

Andreas Tegeler and Peter Tierney

METS, 2 new members for the steering committee

Sailing technique back on the Figaro

Bénéteau : The website is getting a facelift

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