InterviewRomain Motteau, Executive Vice-President of Fountaine Pajot

Fountaine-Pajot"The rapprochement with Dufour is not a simple opportunity, but a strategy."

InterviewSailboat Italia Yachts 12.98

"I distribute Italia Yachts because they're beautiful!"

Salvatore Serio, President of the Dufour Yachts yard

Human Resources: They change jobs in boating - 26 March 2018

Yanmar marine hybrid engine presentation - Transfluid in Yokohama

Yanmar and Transfluid present their first parallel hybrid engine

Yachts in the port of Valletta in Malta

VAT and boat leasing, Malta denounces French practices

Fjord 42 (left) and Pardo 43 (right)

Hanse trial - Del Pardo, German shipyard also claims victory

Pardo 43

Pardo Yachts announces its legal victory against Hanse

The port of Dubrovnik in Croatia, flagship destination for cruises in 2017

Boat rental trends: 2017 figures

The sustainable Mini 650 Loop 650, finalist of the JEC World Innovation Awards

JEC World Innovation Awards: nautical projects

In a WordAzimuth S7

Boating life: Mercury Marine and Scanstrut, BWA Yachting, Azimut, Dolphin Charger ...

Matthieu Souben joins All Purpose

Human Resources: They are changing jobs in the boating industry - February 2018

Nautex gangway for pleasure boats

Nautex, a one-piece footbridge to combine durability and design

Antal Blocker Battery

Antal, tried and tested blockers for a boat without service.

Visitors wait for the Boot Düsseldorf doors to open

The Düsseldorf Boot, the world's largest boat show?

Pardo 43

Fjord 42 - Pardo 43 : The Italian shipyard answers the accusations

Fjord 42 (top) and Pardo 43 (bottom)

Fjord 42 - Pardo 43 : 1st stage of the trial for plagiarism

InterviewJames Simon, Ikone-Espace Vag site owner and his wife

Espace Vag, the iKone sailboatyard changes hands

Discarded pleasure craft

Sclavo Environnement creates a tool dedicated to end-of-life pleasure boats

Digiboat, software for brokers

Digiboat wants the brokers to work together

In a WordFrench President for Yamaha Motor Europe

The boating industry is on the move - 04 January 2018

InterviewThierry Gannat, Itermer's operational director - Accastillage Diffusion

Intermediate:"With an increasingly impatient boater, stock is a necessity."

Evo Yachts

Evo Yachts, the telescopic boat sets up in France

Cannes Yachting Festival

Jacqueline Bourey reacts to the controversy over the Cannes Yachting Festival

Nicolas Chiloff in front of the White Shark 300

Guymarine and White Shark, the boats from Oleron well relaunched

In a WordAccastillage Diffusion recruits

Boating industry on the move - November 29, 2017

Seat P400 Matrix of Besenzoni

P 400 Matrix, Besenzoni's award-winning absorbent bar seat

In a WordFrauscher paint booth on site

Boating industry on the move - November 23, 2017

Navionics Cartography

After Active Captain, Garmin buys the Navionics electronic charts

Catamaran in navigation

BPI France puts 800 000 € in the boat rental company GlobeSailor

In a WordThe Rhéa 750 n°1 exhibited at the Grand Pavois in homage to Bertrand Danglade

The boating industry is on the move - 04 October 2017

Cannes Yachting Festival 2017

Cannes Yachting Festival 2017, figures and contrasting testimonies from exhibitors

Bjorn Ingemanson, CEO of Volvo Penta

Volvo Penta does not intend to stop at 1000 CV

In a WordSuzuki DF 350A outboard engine

Boating industry on the move - 21 September 2017

In a WordSuperyacht of the San Lorenzo shipyard

The boating industry is on the move - 08 September 2017

InterviewSylvie Ernoult, General Commissioner of the Cannes Yachting Festival

"Cannes Yachting Festival is a quality show, not a luxury show."

In a WordMazu Yachts Classic 38 Open

The boating industry is on the move - 04 September 2017

Leader 6.5, most rented model

More than 50% of boat renters have less than 5 years of licence

In a WordVannes marina, Brittany

Boating industry on the move - July 18, 2017

InterviewNicolas Fata, sales manager of Dolphin Charger

Dolphin Charger:"We want to increase the export share of our electric chargers to 70%"

Besenzoni Carbon Gateway

Besenzoni celebrates 50 years of sailing

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