Which yachting professionals should you call on for sailboat maintenance?

Sailor and sailor, Nicolas starts to work as a sailor at 24 years old

Seamanship at Soromap Racing

Soromap Racing: A customised solution for the fitting of original equipment and after-market products

The Lancelin Palma concept store is not only a place to sell ropes

Corderie Lancelin: "Creating a friendly place for riggers and sailors

Benjamin Doyen joins Gréement Import

Human Resources: They change jobs in the boating industry - May 06, 2019

PortraitStéphane Hébert, rigger and founder of Cornouaille Gréement

Discover the rigger's job with Stéphane Hébert

TenSeaZy, measuring forces on the rigging

Sample Nodus Factory products for professionals

Nodus Factory, ready-to-use textile fittings for riggers and construction sites

Listen to Marlow Ropes on Phaedo 3

Marlow Ropes, British ropes return to France