Cannes Yachting Festival

The confusion continues for the organization of the Cannes Yachting Festival 2017

InterviewFabien Métayer, Chairman of the Management Board of Nautic Festival SA

"If the Cannes Yachting Festival isn't held in 2017, we lose a lot more than money."

Rental Boat of the Year Ceremony

Three winners in the Boat Rental of the Year election.

Abandoned boat

Suction Boats, a service to help professionals

Nautic 2016

A new company to manage the Nautic and Cannes Yachting Festival

Vannes marina, Brittany

The nautical sector exceeds one billion euros in Brittany

Nautic de Paris

The boating industry is optimistic after the Autumn boat shows

Nautic 2015

FIN takes over the organisation of the Nautic at Reed Expositions in 2017

Nautic 2016 Conference Poster

Nautic 2016, Conference on innovation and yachting

Guide to EU Directive 2013/53/EU

A guide for the new European Piacenza Directive

InterviewAlain Pochon, President of the Grand Pavois

Alain Pochon :"Le grand Pavois, un salon où l'on signe des ventes" (The great Pavois, a show where sales are signed)

2016 nautical season, mixed results


FIN launches NauticLab, a new collaborative tool to prepare the future of boating.

InterviewProtest boat for the Brexit

Brexit et nautisme, pour la FIN, la collaboration continue...

Principle of operation of WEBscant

WEBscant : Structure calculation on the cloud

APER Pyro, the collection of expired flares continues to be organized.

Port-Cros National Park

Port-Cros: The Bateau Bleu label takes professionals on board

Deconstruction and recycling: the nautical sector tance the government

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