Vincent Guiot leaves Bavaria Catamarans for Southern Spars

Human Resources: They change jobs in the boating industry - 08 January 2019

Point of viewChanges in nautical equipment in 2018

A look back at 2018: Equipment, between electric boat and large outboard

Gill invests in its seawear brand

Gill, the seawear manufacturer invests over 5 years despite a disrupted market

Application of antifouling paint

Vitamarine, the antifouling manufacturer wants to develop its brand image

West System products and resins

Why Soromap took over the distribution of West System epoxy resins

InterviewThe Rivike, the first inflatable paddle bike

Alexandra Bazetoux: "We need preorders to launch the Rivike"

Fenwick takes over the distribution of Solé Diesel marine engines

Fenwick:"The Solé Diesel engines correspond to what we were doing with Yanmar."

The Ocean Paths Group in receivership

The largest Bénéteau concessionaire - Lagoon in receivership

Special EditionCristel pot for the kitchen on board

Cristel, kitchen utensils that save space on board

In a WordThe workshops of the Magma Composites shipyard in Questembert

Nautical life: Magma Composites, Fischer Panda, Osculati, Nautic ...

Bavaria Yachts, the buyers unveil a radical strategy

DRW 180 A, Vitrifrigo's modular refrigerator freezer

Vitrifrigo: a refrigerator with drawers that turns into a freezer

Reckmann reel, distributed by Grigorie Import

Greement Import, the distributor of recreational equipment displays its dynamism

Oceansafety Ultralite raft from the 3SI group acquired by Alliance Marine

Repurchase of a competitor: Alliance Marine focuses on safety at sea

In a WordZodiac strengthens its position in the Alpes Maritimes

Boating life: Zodiac, Servaux, Simrad, Hanse, Cummins, Groupe Bénéteau...

InterviewOlivia Eidenberger and Odile Laborie, new recruits from Nodus Factory

Nodus Factory: "We want to keep the leadership in textile fittings."

InterviewNicolas Gardies, General Manager of Fountaine-Pajot

Fountaine-Pajot:"With Dufour, we've gained weight with the distributors."

InterviewBénéteau Group plant

Groupe Bénéteau:"We have to build the boats as close as possible to the customers"

Pardo 43 back on the world market

Hanse Group and Pardo Yachts end plagiarism trial

627 HP Seven Marine outboard engine achieves CE certification

Seven Marine, the outboard engines of 627 HP soon in Europe

Yanmar 4LV inboard engine

Yanmar Marine, the engine manufacturer reviews its organization in France

Spirit of the Lighthouses

The drink Esprit des Phares seeks patrons of maritime heritage

Zodiac's Open 5.5 on trial on the Seine at Click&Boat

Boat rental companies between private individuals soon shipyard distributors?

Seabin waste collector in operation in a marina

Seabin, the waste collector finds its place in marinas

Bavaria shipyard

Bavaria Yachts, what is the status of the takeover procedure of the shipyard?

Cobalt Boats A36 star

EU taxes: What consequences for the import of US vessels?

In a WordSailboat Nauticat 331

Boating life: Suzuki, Nauticat, Abys Yachting, FFVoile, PACA Region, ICOMIA, IBEX

Testing Scania marine engines

Engine manufacturers Nanni and Scania join forces to conquer the big yacht market

Richard Demeule and Eric Lerendu, founders of Marine Mobile Diffusion

Marine Mobile Diffusion wants to sell yachting equipment differently

In a WordThe OneSails Med France sailmaking team

Boating life: One Sails, Lalizas, Wauquiez, Dream Yacht Sales, Decathlon...

Shipyard visitNicolas Chiloff, director of the White Shark and Guymarine brands

Guymarine /White Shark, from fishing-promenade to luxury boat

Shipyard visitThe Ocqueteau shipyard

Ocqueteau, specialist in the infusion of small motor units

Special EditionVariprop feathered propeller distributed by Fenwick

The Variprop feathering propeller, an attractive option from the first stage of installation

In a WordNeel 51

Boating life: Neel Trimarans, Hello-Multi, US yachting, Vaavud ...

In a WordAstus 20.5

Life of boating: Privilège Marine, Nanni Diesel, West System, Astus Boats, UBO

In a WordPlastimo life jacket

Boating life: Bavaria, Plastimo, Ferretti, Princess Yachts and wearing a vest in Japan

In a WordMcConaghy's Future MC50 Catamaran

Nautical life: Bavaria, McConaghy Yachts, Les Nautiques de Port Camargue ...

InterviewSailboat Italia Yachts 12.98

"I distribute Italia Yachts because they're beautiful!"

Mirapakon, a novel antifouling developed in Canada

Sailerie Incidence Sails de Brest

Delta Voiles et Incidence, wedding in the French sailmaking industry

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