Nautitech names new general manager

The International Electric Marine Association unites around a collaborative manifesto

New Aquila distributor in Asia

Marine Italia, new Aquila Catamarans dealer for Hong Kong and Singapore

Special Edition

Aka Marine: Proven RIBs designed for professional use

Salon International du Multicoque: What changes in April 2024 at La Grande Motte?

Human Resources: They're changing jobs in the boating industry - March 04, 2024

German builder Hanse Yachts withdraws from the Frankfurt stock exchange

In a Word

Boating: Accastilleurs du Golfe, Azimut, Canalous, Magonis, Yacht Club de Monaco, Suzuki...

In a Word

MODX Catamarans, Webasto, Brunswick, Sun Fast 30 OD, Newport...

InterviewAnais Lheureux, General Curator of the Grand Pavois

Grand Pavois: "No revolution, but obviously a change of generation"

Bioaqualife launches biodegradable boat covers

In just a few years, Highfield has become one of the world leaders in this sector

6 new dealers strengthen Highfield's US distribution network

Boating news: Suzuki, Ribitaly, Marex, Snip Yachting, Motte Marine, Quick USA, AC40, Sessa...


Carl Rand: "We want to address 90% of the yachting market by 2030"

Seair: The foil specialist restructures its offer between shipyard and design office

Silent Yachts: Catamaran builder between restructuring and major contracts

Sunsail and The Moorings announce 160 new boats in 2024 fleet

Ressources Humaines : They are changing jobs in the nautical industry - February 01, 2024

Say Carbon Yachts: German sportboat specialist in receivership

In a Word

Nautical life: Nodus, B&G, Pixel sur mer, Molabo, Fischer Panda, Yanmar, Cummins...

Highfield Europe sets up in South-West France to manage distribution of RIBs

In a Word

Boating news: Sunbeam, Sailing Stream, Suzuki, SEAAI, Navico, Genevos, Temo, Banque Populaire...

Aquasport and Akasus announced their collaboration at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

Aquasport brings artificial intelligence onboard your boat

ePropulsion launches a local subsidiary to boost its presence in France

2023 statistics confirm the slowdown in the international yachting industry


Grand Large Yachting: "The ocean cruising industry is being watched by investors"

Ressources Humaines : They are changing jobs in the nautical industry - January 09, 2024

Multihull pontoon at Port-Camargue

Boating : Port Camargue, Navico, Lacroix Sports, Pochon West Indies, ...

Boating news: Windelo, Catlante, Vetus, Arcona, Saxdor, Temo, Bénéteau, Vendée Globe...

Swan 108

Nautor Swan and Sanlorenzo enter exclusive negotiations

Mille Marin benefits from the renewed popularity of Normandy and the Cotentin region in particular. The English are back.

Mille Marin: the shipyard benefits from the Cotentin region's return to favour

In a Word

Boating news: Ferretti, Caterpillar, Capt'n Boat, San Lorenzo, SPL Granville Terre et Mer...

The shipyard from the ria d'Etel (on the left CBS and on the right Etelium)

CBS-Kenkiz Marine: "Innovation will come more from the materials we use"

Sealver intends to democratize its jet ski-powered WaveBoats

Ressources Humaines : They're changing jobs in the boating industry - December 11, 2023

Ile de Monsieur nautical park

Nautic en Seine: A new afloat show to replace Porte de Versailles

Vismara 62 equipped by Axxon Composites

Wichard acquires 2nd carbon mast manufacturer

Michael Müller left, takes over the helm from Marc Diening left

Bavaria Yachts: Former CEO Michael Müller back at the helm

Biohut by Ecocean

Boating news: Ecocean, Ryds Boats, NOAA, Navico, Integrel, Evoy...


Alliance Marine: "2024 is an interesting year for restoring strategic fundamentals"

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