François Tarrou, Marketing Director of Yamaha France

Human Resources: They change jobs in the boating industry - October 26, 2018

In a WordWorks project at La Ciotat Shipyards

Boating life : MB92, La Ciotat Shipyards, Pass'A Vent, Bénéteau, IGY Marinas ...

In a WordZodiac strengthens its position in the Alpes Maritimes

Boating life: Zodiac, Servaux, Simrad, Hanse, Cummins, Groupe Bénéteau...

Yann Masselot, new General Manager of CNB

Human Resources: They change jobs in the boating industry - 03 October 2018

InterviewEnd-of-life pleasure craft

"There is a collective backwardness of the boating industry on environmental issues."

InterviewBénéteau Group plant

Groupe Bénéteau:"We have to build the boats as close as possible to the customers"

InterviewHervé Gastinel, Chairman of Bénéteau Group

Bénéteau and services:"We're lucky we haven't been disrupted."

Kristian Hajnsek and Andraz Mihelin, founders of Seascape, now part of Bénéteau's First range

Seascape : "We bet that our passion can survive within the Bénéteau group ! "

Phil Popham leaves Sunseeker management

Human Resources: They change jobs in boating - August 23, 2018

Delphia 40.3

Bénéteau Group continues its external growth strategy in Poland

Seascape 24, model of the Seascape shipyard bought by Bénéteau Group

Takeover of the Seascape yachts, what interest for the Bénéteau group?

Seat of the Bénéteau boat brand

Groupe Bénéteau: Investors worried about revised results

Zodiac's Open 5.5 on trial on the Seine at Click&Boat

Boat rental companies between private individuals soon shipyard distributors?

Boston Whaler

US/EU trade war, Brunswick and the Bénéteau Group explain their strategies

In a WordBaltic 56 Whisper by Baltic Yachts

Nautical life: Nautic, Volvo, Baltic Yachts, Cantieri di Pisa, Armorique Diffusion ...

Thibaud Ramond, founder of Dream Racer Boats, poses on his Figaro1

Dream Racer Boats prepares the retirement of Figaro Bénéteau 2 and the passage to the cruise

Jean-François Pape, Communication Director, Bénéteau shipyard

Human Resources: They change jobs in boating - 05 June 2018

Ipanema 58 by Fountaine Pajot

Multihull or monohull, contrasting financial results in yachting

Patrick Bochatey, Industrial Director of NVEquipment

Human Resources: They are changing jobs in the boating industry - 13 April 2018

Yanmar engine and boat builder invests in GetMyBoat online platform

Nautism, the industrialists want to keep the hand on the pleasure craft on line

The sustainable Mini 650 Loop 650, finalist of the JEC World Innovation Awards

JEC World Innovation Awards: nautical projects

In a WordTransport of pleasure boats by Peters & May

Boating life: Lalizas, Day One, Peters & May, LH Finance and the Bénéteau Group

Bénéteau Group, Jeanneau and Freedom Boat Club executives celebrate their agreement

Jeanneau and Freedom Boat Club, a win-win partnership

Bénéteau Group construction site

The Bénéteau Group optimistic for the 2017-2018 nautical season

Bénéteau Foundation 2018 competition: Designing an innovative motor catamaran

InterviewCyril Sancereau

Bénéteau Foundation:"We are looking for strong concepts!"

In a WordFlexofold Folding Propeller

Boating industry on the move - December 15, 2017

Armorique Diffusion, the Bénéteau dealer of Pluneret

What future for the boat dealer model?

In a WordAccastillage Diffusion recruits

Boating industry on the move - November 29, 2017

Bénéteau Headquarters

Bénéteau Group, an annual result doubled in 2017

In a WordSuzuki DF 350A outboard engine

Boating industry on the move - 21 September 2017

Lagoon Seventy 8

Multihull leaders reorganise themselves

Cannes Yachting Festival 2017

Boating sales, the 2008 crisis forgotten

Hey Captain Bénéteau Boat Club service provider

Hey Captain takes care of the Bénéteau Boat Club internet platform

Bénéteau factory

Wing, electric engine, 2nd make catamaran... Bénéteau announces the colour

Prestige 630 from Bénéteau Group

The Bénéteau Group wants to double its operating margin by 2020

InterviewLuca Brancaleon, Bénéteau Sales Director

Luca Brancaleon:"Our Bénéteau dealers must have a benefit to work with us. "

Flyer 5.5 Sundeck by Bénéteau, on sale on Cdiscount

Bénéteau launches into the discount boat on the internet

30 years of the Bénéteau factory in Marion (USA)

Bénéteau Group, 30 years of presence and an ambitious plan for the USA

Luca Brancaleon, Bénéteau Sales Director

Bénéteau, Luca Brancaleon takes over commercial management

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