Editorial / 2025, a pivotal year in which Boatindustry will remain close to the industry

At the dawn of its ninth year of existence, Boatindustry has maintained its position as the benchmark media for news from the BtoB marine industry. On the occasion of this new year, the Boatindustry team wishes you all the best for 2025, despite the delicate season that our industry is about to experience.

2025: a year of management

2025 will be a difficult year for the marine industry. In an uncertain economic climate, short-time working is scheduled in several major French and foreign shipyards. Gulf War, bursting of the Internet bubble, subprime crisis: our industry has always experienced cyclical effects, with varying degrees of repercussions.

But in these years of management, when caution is called for, certain structures, specialized in niche markets or specific service offerings, nevertheless continue to show good health and encouraging dynamism.

Staying in touch with your news

For our traditional New Year's greetings, Boatindustry is committed to supporting the industry, by reporting as many news items as possible that are as close as possible to your companies, whether local, national or international. Shipyards, dealers, equipment manufacturers, service providers, ports or craftsmen: we'll be on hand to help you communicate your news and development projects for the coming year.

Don't hesitate to contact us!

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