Human Resources : They're changing jobs in the boating industry - July 12, 2024

Appointments, departures, job changes... There's been movement at Tecmar, Sparcraft, Mille Sabords, Joker Boat, Madintec, North Sail Apparel, Neel-Trimarans..

Thierry Lambot retires from Tecmar

fter a successful career in the boating industry and the creation of tecmar 13 years ago, Thierry Lambot is handing over the keys to the company to his son Martin.

Joel Guerinet retires from Sparcraft

Joel Guerinet is retiring after a (long) career that saw him at the helm of rigging manufacturer Sparcraft in La Rochelle.

Marie Rumin Mille Sabords Sales and Communications Manager

Marie Rumin, who trained at INB in mechanics, takes up the post of sales manager for the Mille Sabords boat show, which takes place every year at Le Crouesty.

Andrea Aiello leaves Joker Boat

Andrea Aiello, Sole Director of Joker Boat, has resigned due to differences with management, leaving the company with effect from July 1, 2024. He expressed his gratitude to employees, customers and suppliers, wishing Joker Boat a bright future. Aiello said the support he had received over the years had been unique, and he hoped to continue his career in a positive way elsewhere.

Paolo Serio Director of Sales & Marketing at Madintec

Previously with Dream Yacht, this Franco-Italian joins the electronics manufacturer Madintec as Sales Director, with a view to accelerating its development in the yachting market.

Nicolas Bérenger at North Sail Apparel

Nicola Béranger takes over as head of BU Performance at North Sails Apparel. This sailor had previously worked for Musto before a spell with Dufour. Now he's back to his first love, sailors' clothing.

Stéphane Olevier, New Sales Director at Neel-Trimarans

Stéphane Olevier has been appointed Commercial Director of Nell-Trimarans Group, effective July 4, 2024. An expert in sales strategy and customer relations, he will be responsible for the Group's sales, marketing and communications activities.

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