Thank you for 8 years of shaping a media that serves the needs of yachting professionals

As we hand over the helm to Boatindustry, a glance at the transom shows just how far we've come, and we'd like to thank you for your loyalty.

Having joined the flotilla in 2016 for the launch of BoatIndustry, the emotion and satisfaction of the work accomplished are real as we turn a page and leave the editorial team for new horizons.

8 years to create a media 100% for yachting professionals

It's been a rich eight years, both professionally and personally. The team in place gave me carte blanche to create, with BoatIndustry, a site entirely dedicated to boating professionals. I'd like to thank them for this trust, which is always renewed.

Coming from a naval architecture background, with little editorial experience, it's been a rich adventure: discovering how specialist journalism works, getting to grips with economic concepts, creating an ever-richer professional network in the nautical sector. I've thus had the freedom to shape BoatIndustry and its editorial line in my own image, as eclectic and inquisitive as possible, but above all by following the dynamics of the boating industry as closely as possible, from marinas to boat rental outfitters to boat builders. It's a gamble that we can humbly consider a success, given the loyalty of our readers.

A human adventure

These 8 years have been, on a personal level, years of encounters and discoveries, with many memories:

  • meetings with professionals, with their own characters - I'll remember the sometimes heated phone calls...
  • delicate phone calls, when it comes to reporting the difficulties of certain companies
  • discover new technical and economic aspects of boating
  • the frenetic pace of trade fairs and press conferences, with the pleasure of returning with a notebook full of subjects for you, our readers
  • and, of course, happy, festive travel, with a team that's always energetic, thanks to them.

A new adventure at the water's edge

From now on, BoatIndustry will maintain this course without me, retaining its role as a crew open to enthusiasts. I'd like to thank you, our loyal readers, one last time, and look forward to seeing you again on the pontoons for new adventures, which are sure to be nautical.

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