Reception in France of yachtsmen arriving from non-Schengen ports: A simplified system

The Fédération Française des Ports de Plaisance (French Federation of Yachting Harbors) and the French national border control authorities have signed a protocol to facilitate the reception of European and non-European yachtsmen from ports outside the Schengen area. This is a major step forward, particularly for British yachtsmen stopping over in France, or French yachtsmen returning to the UK.

An agreement between marinas and the French authorities

A protocol has been signed between the Directorate General of Customs and Indirect Rights (DGDDI), the National Directorate of Border Police (DNPAF) and the French Federation of Marinas (FFPP), to facilitate the arrival in France of yachtsmen from third countries outside the Schengen area, the FFPP said on May 29, 2024.

Under the Schengen border control system, external borders can normally only be crossed at border crossing points (BCPs) during set opening hours. However, this principle poses a real problem for the reception of yachts arriving on the French coast, due to the size and infrastructure of the PPFs, which are often unsuitable for pleasure craft. Since the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union, the problem has become more acute, leading the FFPP to call for a new arrangement for pleasure craft.

53 accessible marinas and a detailed protocol

The text signed by the DGDDI, DNPAF and FFPP sets out a system for transmitting data from 53 coastal marinas that can accommodate yachtsmen from third countries, whether they are returning to their home country or foreign sailors.

There are two points to bear in mind:

  • persons on board the pleasure craft must inform the harbour office prior to their arrival and be authorized by the harbour office to enter the harbour;
  • these persons send to the port office the dedicated form containing the list of persons on board and certain technical characteristics of the vessel. This information must be sent to the port office no later than 24 hours before the ship's arrival or, if the crossing is less than 24 hours, no later than the time the ship leaves the port of the country outside the Schengen area. The port office immediately sends this information to the designated PPF.

The port transmits the data to the local PPF, but control remains the exclusive responsibility of the national authorities.

Facilitating cross-border yachting

This new agreement should greatly facilitate cross-border sailing, particularly on either side of the English Channel. FFPP President Michaël Quernez is delighted: " Following the Brexit, many foreign yachtsmen, particularly English, were no longer coming to our territory, just as French yachtsmen were no longer visiting the UK. This situation has led to a sharp drop in the number of visitors to our ports and coastlines. The present protocol will make it easier and safer for yachtsmen to enter and leave the Schengen area, in a pragmatic and robust manner. This is a strong commitment on the part of marinas and the FFPP, who will be mobilizing to implement this protocol in the long term. "

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