A study on the recruitment needs of the nautical industry in Brittany

As in many regions, the yachting industry is facing recruitment difficulties in Brittany. The Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat has published the results of a survey carried out in December 2023 among companies in the sectors to identify the human resources challenges facing the yachting industry.

A survey of the CRAFT database

The CRAFT database lists all service, sales and industrial companies in the nautical sector in Brittany. The regional Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat used this database to carry out a study aimed at identifying recruitment difficulties in the nautical sector. Of the 1,078 e-mails sent out, only 25 replies were received. Despite this response rate of just 2.7%, a number of lessons can be drawn from the questionnaire returns.

Numerous recruitments within 6 months

72% of respondents said they were planning to recruit in the short to medium term, 36% of them immediately. The majority of these recruitments are in response to staff departures, without knowing whether they are due to retirement or a change of company. Half of them are also faced with an increase in activity.

While some entrepreneurs are looking for partners to support them, salaried status is logically the most popular.

Skills and salaries are the main challenges

When asked about the difficulties they encounter when recruiting, Brittany's nautical companies face a number of stumbling blocks. For more than two-thirds, they can't find certain specific skills. Salary levels are also a problem for more than half of them. Last but not least, the cost and scarcity of accommodation on the Breton coast is a problem for 50% of applicants for jobs in the boating industry.

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