A fast-charging station at Sait-Quay Port d'Armor
To coincide with the start of the Tour de Bretagne à la Voile and the Tour Voile, Aqua superPower officially inaugurated its 1st Aqua 75 fast-charging station on the French Channel-Atlantic coast, in the Saint-Quay Port d'Armor marina, in partnership with local boat builders and distributors Naviwatt and RS Electric Boats. Based on the brand's knowledge of land-based electric vehicles and operated by Aqua superPower, the Marinisé terminal is capable of recharging an electric boat's battery pack in a very short time, thanks to its significant amperage.

A development strategy for Brittany
The choice of Saint-Quay Portrieux as the first equipped marina on the French Channel and Atlantic coasts, after the 5 Côte d'Azur bases in Ventimiglia, Monaco, Cannes, Saint-Tropez and Cogolin, is a logical one, according to Mailyne Marilly, Aqua superPower's European Business Development Manager: "The aim is to start up a Breton corridor. Discussions are already underway with other ports like Saint-Cast. It made sense to start in Saint-Quay Port d'Armor, which is used to innovating, in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc, with its wind farm and assertive nautical strategy. What's more, a lot of British people come here for stopovers."

Launching an electric boat dynamic
While the operator concedes that there are no electric boats on site at the moment, and is not announcing a target number of recharges, its development manager stresses the group's experience and the need for time: "It's necessary to have a terminal to encourage use. This should unlock electrification projects already underway. As we've seen in Cogolin, there were no electric boats before the terminal, and now there's a boat club and another one on the way. We already know that, in the long term, we're going to have to increase the number of terminals in certain ports. The presence of the terminals is also encouraging engine manufacturers to adopt the Combo CCS standard for recharging."