An insistent demand from boaters for the Cigale
Alubat, a sailboat manufacturer based in Les Sables d'Olonne, announced on September 24, 2021 the relaunch of its Cigale sailboat line. Benefiting from a good reputation, these boats were the subject of recurrent demand by boaters, although the models are old. "There was always a demand for them, but the yard could not meet it. There was an attempt to relaunch with Marc Lombard with the Cigale 16. Overall, the boats were very big with the Cigale 16, the Cigale 18 and the Cigale 22. This does not correspond to Alubat's prospects, which are very few on boats over 16 meters. This is why we are launching the Cigale 15" explains Hakim Rahmoun, Alubat's manager.
Create 2 complementary lines of travel boats
With the creation of a new Cigale, the shipyard wants to establish 2 clearly identifiable ranges in its catalog. "We have returned to the first love of the Cigale with the Finot/Conq firm, now headed by David de Prémorel. We have isolated the fundamentals of the Cigale: an all-aluminum boat, high performance, with taut lines, more designed to cross oceans than to sail up African rivers like the Ovni. We want to stay on our core business, namely a couple who ask us for performance, robustness and comfort. We want them to be able to choose between the Ovni and the Cigale. The objective is more a capacity of average speeds over 24 hours to exceed 200/250 miles, with a certain level of comfort" illustrates Hakim Rahmoun.
Launch of the Cigale 15 in 2023
Few precise details are yet known about the Cigale 15, apart from its length and its architect, the Finot/Conq firm. "There will be a lifting keel and attention will be paid to the protection of the crew. The studies are well advanced," says the Alubat manager. The first yacht should be delivered for the 2023 autumn boat shows