Seascape Distribution France will market the Peacoq'
The company Seascape Distribution France, founded by François Coutant to import Slovenian transportable sailboats, adds a new card to its activity. It becomes distributor of the Peacoq' foil dinghies developed by Foily. " We become the exclusive distributor for France for the homeowners market. The 1st prototype should arrive in April, with a test campaign of the foils at the ENVSN and then a finalization of the product at our premises. I am also doing a mission of technical advice and R&D for Patrick [Patrick Billot at the origin of the Peacoq, editor's note] "explains François Coutant.

A flying dinghy suitable for double-handed sailing
In this choice of partnership, the motivations are both technical and personal. " To distribute a boat, I have to like it and get along with the partners, as was the case with Seascape. Between multihulls and monohulls, I counted 21 hydrofoil boats on the market. The Peacoq' appealed to me because its 3-point flight makes it stable and therefore accessible to beginners, compared to the moth type monotypes which fly on 2 points aligned longitudinally. They are beautiful toys, but unstable. There, you can fly from the first exit. The other point is that there are very few like the Peacoq' which can really fly well in double "justifies François Coutant.

Developing the life of the fleet and boat owner networks
François Coutant's other specialty is the organization of raids and events for boaters. That's how he managed to federate Seascape owners in France. " We have an average of about 20 boats in the park here, including sailboats in technical management. Often for expatriates for example, for whom I prepare the boat and deliver it every year to the sailing site they have chosen. We organize raids for Seascape owners, always with a few extra boats for rent. There is a life after the sale of the boat. I think that's also what interested Patrick: that I know how to develop the life of the boat with regattas, the creation of owners' associations? "concludes François Coutant.