A president to succeed Huw Bower
The Brunswick Group has announced the appointment of Aine Denari as President of the Brunwick Boat Group. She succeeds Huw Bower, who left the group's boat division in September to join the Winnebago Group, owner of Chris Craft. Aine Denari will be in charge of the portfolio of boat brands which, alongside Mercury Marine, makes Brunswick the American leader in the yachting industry: Bayliner, Boston Whaler, Crestliner, Cypress Cay, Harris, Lowe, Lund, Princecraft, Quicksilver, Rayglass, Sea Ray, Thunder Jet and Uttern.
An automotive specialist to bring innovation to the boating industry
Aine Denari has 20 years of experience in the automotive and consulting industries, notably at Ford. Since 2014, she had joined ZF, a major player in propulsion, also active in yachting through transmission and propulsion systems. There, she held the position of Vice-President of ZF ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems), a branch dedicated to new assistance systems in the field of electronics. The Managing Director of the Brunswick Group is counting on this experience to bring innovations to the Group and to yachting. "Looking to the future, the expectations of boating consumers are set by other advanced mobility experiences, and Aine's extensive experience in implementing new technologies in the automotive and other industries will help advance the Boating Division's strategy and capabilities, and in particular accelerate the implementation of our ACES (Editor's note: for Autonomy, Connectivity, Electrification and Shared access, a modernization strategy announced in 2019) strategy, which is structuring the industry," says Dave Foulkes.