Training your staff: what are the stakes?

In this period of change in the economy and consumer habits, what place should training take in the yachting sector? How will this be used to perpetuate and enhance the value of the company?

Knowing the consumer better and also better understanding technical and technological evolutions remains certainly the main key to success for companies. Indeed, the consumer, whoever he is, has a fabulous information tool that is the Internet, which everyone uses every day.

Learning to speak "customer"

The information available on the Internet means that it is essential for a professional to be able to speak "customer", to be up to date with the latest technological advances in terms of product and also service. It's a sign of quality. In order to be in a position to apprehend this change, the training of all those involved in the yachting profession enables them to acquire the means to accept a challenge to these habits.


Some concrete key points

  • The web makes it possible to evaluate a budget envelope without delay. For the same product or service, price differences can be significant. Constructive argumentation in the face of client objections can be learned and perfected, with the result that the client is able to competitive control .
  • Putting forward the training of its staff, to ensure a quality and responsible service with regard to economic, environmental and even social issues, reassures the customer with the beneficial effect of satisfy him and keep him loyal especially for a product as complex as a boat.
  • Regular training serves to retain its best people or key people to prepare together the future of their company, or even attract new employees and develop their business.
  • The entire economy is digitising and being able to anticipate these changes inevitably involves training.

The challenge is therefore to ensure the long-term viability and value of the company.

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