A know-how in paint chemistry
The Société des Laboratoires de Technologie Appliquée, SOLTA, was founded in 1983 in the Paris region. Initially specialized in the manufacture of pigment pastes and inks, the company has developed in the paint market. In 2010, it was bought by Florent Lebaye, its laboratory manager, who launched an innovation policy. "In the years 2011/2012, the decision is taken to diversify into the nautical sector. Having the know-how and skills in chemistry, SOLTA launched the production of antifouling and created the brand Vitamarine, for yachting and professional boats, fishing or service. Today, the company is a small business employing more than ten people," explains Ludovic Burgaud, SOLTA's marine sales manager.

Legislation boosts subcontracted paint production
SOLTA is already working with mail order companies and large general distributors for whom the company produces marine and antifouling paints under their brand. This sector is important and tends to develop. "With the evolution of the legislation on biocides, we have also been approached by small manufacturers to produce for them," says Ludovic Burgaud. Indeed, the costs of approval linked to the change in regulations have dissuaded some manufacturers from pursuing their own production. To keep their brands alive, they are turning to subcontracting. For its part, SOLTA is working on the development of new biocides.

Develop the image of the Vitamarine brand
The Vitamarine brand remains little known to the general public. The company wants to develop the market for this own brand, the second leg of its strategy in the nautical sector. "We want to expand to be more present with shipyards and expand the network of Vitamarine dealers. For this, we are looking for a distributor in the south of France. We need to build a network," says Ludovic Burgaud.