Bringing boaters to Pays de la Loire
The Pays de la Loire region has decided to focus on water sports in its new regional tourism and leisure development plan, which runs until 2020. A nautical plan is also being defined within the Pays de la Loire Regional Agency. The general objective of the local authority is to consolidate the attractiveness of its territory thanks to the good image of offshore races such as the Vendée Globe or The Bridge and the multiplicity of spots and sites dedicated to water sports.
2 development axes
The 2020 Nautical Tourism call for projects is based on two main lines of action, explains Alice Chanson, head of the programme in the Region. "The first axis is rather classic and concerns the general modernisation of tourist reception infrastructures, such as buildings or changing rooms. The second axis is that of innovation by supporting the acquisition of modern equipment. The example of hydrofoil boats, which are very fashionable at the moment, is obviously mentioned, but it may be something else."

Loans and grants
The Pays de la Loire region offers two types of support to structures applying for the 2020 Water Tourism call for projects. Traditional grants can be awarded for an amount ranging from ?10,000 excluding tax to ?100,000 excluding tax. They may not exceed 25% of the estimated investment amount. In addition, a regional loan may be offered. "There is no envelope dedicated to the call for projects which is integrated into the region's nautical strategy. The files will be processed on a case-by-case basis until the closure of the system on May 22, 2020," explains Alice Chanson.
Practical elements
The region announces 5 project selection criteria:
- The project for the development of nautical tourism, its economic feasibility and the implementation of innovative nautical products
- Jobs: the current number of permanent and seasonal employees in the structure as well as job creation projects
- The tourist communication program of the nautical centre
- Seasonality: services must be offered at least 4 months of the year
- The implementation of tools for evaluating nautical activities
The scheme is open to private companies, associations, public institutions and local authorities.
All the technical elements are available on the Pays de la Loire region website, under the heading of call for projects.