Georges Jézéquel has just died at 92 years old

Georges Jézéquel in 1955

An emblematic figure of traditional shipbuilding, Georges Jézéquel fell asleep in Carantec.

This boss of the eponymous shipyard has just passed away. He took over the site in 1952. His father was already working there when he began his apprenticeship at the age of 12 in 1936. This man who loved wood always believed in this noble material when the first plastic boats arrived on the market.

This company has always remained in the family taken over by his son Alain who has just given the place to Jean-Marie his son. She continues in Carantec (29) to work in the tradition of beautiful wooden boats.

Not content to produce, Georges Jézéquel also knew how to draw plans, but above all liked above all to sail. He was a fine sailor known for his steering touch.

A shipbuilding figure has just left us

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