Boat equipment magazine - suite

Engine manufacturers Nanni and Scania join forces to conquer the big yacht market
In a Word
Boating life: One Sails, Lalizas, Wauquiez, Dream Yacht Sales, Decathlon...
In a Word
Life of boating: Privilège Marine, Nanni Diesel, West System, Astus Boats, UBO

Yanmar and Transfluid present their first parallel hybrid engine
In a Word
Life of boating: Privilège Marine, Brunswick, Nanni Diesel, Sail Inn Pro ...

Boating life: Nanni Diesel, Mille Sabords, Port of Cassis, Pantaenius...
In a Word
The boating industry is on the move - 04 January 2018
In a Word
Boating industry on the move - October 11, 2017

Volvo Penta does not intend to stop at 1000 CV

Patent sharing between Volvo Penta and Oxe diesel outboards

Volvo-Penta targets large boats with D13-1000

Volvo and Seven Marine, the discreet Swedish engine manufacturer on its outboard strategy
Electric propulsion:"Batteries will be 50% cheaper and lighter in 5 years"

Oceanvolt electric motors set up in the Mediterranean

Mastervolt, energy partner again in the Volvo Ocean Race

Energy Observer, the first autonomous hydrogen vessel launched

Evinrude, the 2-stroke outboards meet the new European directive

Tohatsu launches LPG outboard

BRP, a French marketing director for marine propulsion.

Volvo Penta, 2 new engines to follow the new European directive.

Evinrude wants to equip new boats

Evinrude, the choice of the 2-stroke engine

New distributor for Doosan marine engines

Save Marine Hydrogen Generators, Commercialization Advances

1st European for the Volvo D8 engine and its IPS versions

Nanni launches its new 8-cylinder engine at the Cannes Motor Show

First site specialized in boat batteries

Evinrude G2 outboard range expands

Joystick now available inboard from Volvo Penta

Transfluid, hybrid propulsion lands on a yacht

Electric and hybrid propulsion on the menu in Amsterdam

Vibration Isolator Pro, the mobile application for choosing the right engine mounts.

Cleanfuel: From diesel to water to protect the environment

Marine Engines: Nanni marinise John Deere

Amels 188 Hybrid: Battery powered yachts

Volvo Penta takes majority in Humphree