
Click&Boat team

Click&Boat, 4 million euros to conquer the international market

Patrick Bochatey, Industrial Director of NVEquipment

Human Resources: They are changing jobs in the boating industry - 13 April 2018

InterviewJosie Tucci, Vice President of Sunsail The Moorings

Boat rental after cyclones:"It's not us, it's the customers who make the call!"

Bénéteau Group, Jeanneau and Freedom Boat Club executives celebrate their agreement

Jeanneau and Freedom Boat Club, a win-win partnership

In a WordSunsail sailing yacht charter - The Moorings

Boating life: Nanni Diesel, Mille Sabords, Port of Cassis, Pantaenius...

François Gabart invests in Click&Boat

Francois Gabart takes a stake in Click&Boat

In a WordFlexofold Folding Propeller

Boating industry on the move - December 15, 2017


The boat's AirBnBs are looking for growth levers

Boat for rent on Click & Boat

Click & Boat is open to professional boat rental companies

Saint-Martin after the passage of cyclone Irma

Sunsail, 130 boats lost and 64 million invested after the cyclones

Bénéteau Boat Club

Bénéteau Boat Club, 1st single-brand boat club in France

Port of Miami

Click&Boat, the French boat rental company attacks Florida

Rental catamaran The Moorings

Sunsail, Le Boat and The Moorings change hands

Skippers Without Borders Conference

Skipper diplomas, towards equivalences in Europe

Sunsail, The Moorings and Le Boat are for sale

Official Sunsail charter of the America's Cup in Portsmouth

Le Paolyre, registered with the RIF

Commercial pleasure: the RIF flag from 15 m does not convince.

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